Converting RGB images to CMYK & setting Ink Levels

Jamie Ashworth
by Jamie Ashworth 4 years ago

When you convert RGB images to CMYK in Adobe Photoshop maximum Ink Levels are set. We recommend setting up Colour presets to ensure your images are converted using the correct ink levels for Coated (300%) and UnCoated (225%) Paper Stocks.

To edit your colour settings in Adobe Photoshop select Edit > Colour Settings then under Working Spaces - CMYK select Custom CMYK..

Coated (300%)

Copy the screenshot below for Coated Paper Stocks.

UnCoated & Large Format (225%)

Copy the screenshot below for UnCoated Paper Stocks.

Applying your Colour Settings...

Select your Coated (300%) or Uncoated (225%) Colour Settings from above, then;

To convert RGB Images...
In Photoshop select: Image > Mode > CMYK

To convert CMYK Images...
In Photoshop select: Image > Mode > Lab then Image > Mode > CMYK

We always go to LAB when an image is already CMYK, as LAB is Photoshops widest colour range.

Use the correct settings to avoid unexpected results

Using the wrong Colour Profile, for example SWOP Coated, could result in your image printing with more magenta.

Using the wrong Dot Gain setting, for example 20%, could result in your image printing lighter than expected.

Using the wrong Ink Limit could result in set-off where areas of image exceed the recommended ink limit for a particular paper stock.

Recommended Ink Limits

Profile Ink Limit  
Coated 300% Silk and Gloss stocks


Digital Printing

Large Format Printing




Recycled stocks and Letterheads

Digital Leaflets & Booklets

Banners and Large Format Posters


Colour Management

We take the raw CMYK values within your artwork and do not need InDesign to colour manage your documents.

Go to InDesign > Edit > Colour Settings

Set your Working Space for CMYK to Euroscale Coated v2 for Coated products and Euroscale Uncoated v2 for Uncoated products.

Set your Colour Management Policies to 'Off'.