How to supply Shaped Large Format & Drilled Signage files

Gail Duncan
by Gail Duncan 17 months ago

Cut-out figures, shaped/drilled boards, shaped vinyl and cut-out lettering


IMPORTANT: Artwork files must contain only one cut-out shape/design.

Artwork files must be supplied with a layer indicating how and where the item should be shaped and/or drilled following the guidelines below. Artwork supplied incorrectly will be rejected and may delay your order. 

This file supply guide applies to the following products.

Product Codes Name
IGCOF? Cut-out Figures
IGFX?S? Shaped / Drilled Foamex Boards & Signs
IGDB?S? Shaped /  Drilled Dibond Boards & Signs

Shaped /  Drilled Correx Boards & Signs

IGWG?S? Shaped Window Graphics / Decals
IGWVI?S Shaped 'Flat Wall' Vinyl Stickers
IGBVI?S Shaped 'Brick Wall' Vinyl Stickers
IGFVI?S Shaped Floor Vinyl Stickers
IGFX5SF? Selfie Frames

Ask us for a template before starting your design.

Special Requirements 

1) 'No Print' Bleed Area

The 15mm bleed on these products is a non-print area for the registration marks used by the machine to align the cut.

This will be displayed by red rectangles within the finishing layer - these are then removed from the file by FileCheck leaving only the registration circles on the print-ready PDF.

2) Node/Anchor Point Limits

Product Max Node Complexity per file
Cut-out Figures 40
Shaped/Drilled Boards 40
Shaped Vinyls (Decals) 40
Selfie Frames


Cut-out Lettering 30 characters

3) Solid shape cut paths

Ensure any die-cut paths are solid shapes including at the trim edge where there are straight edges. A solid shape is a "compound path", which means that it's a closed shape with no open ends. This includes straight edges as there is no guillotining on these products.

All Drilled Products require a cutting path to be present on your print-ready file. See the next step for guidance on setting up your cutting path.

4) Cutter guide set up

Your shape needs to be set in a 2pt stroke line using the DIE-CUT FORME swatch that is available within the template. Your line also needs to be set to overprint. Note point 3 above about the shape having to be a complete shape, including any straight edges.

Cutting tolerances are 1mm therefore we recommend bleeding your artwork 2mm over the cutter guide. For Selfie Frames, this means bleeding any background colours 2mm inside of the window. Do not bleed colours into the non-print areas.

The pink circles in the example above are only used to indicate an InDesign Anchor Point.

5a) Drill holes

If required, drill holes need to be specified with solid DIE-CUT FORME circles with the fill set to Overprint. A 5mm diameter hole is the minimum. There is no maximum restriction. However, if you are using standard screws to fit the sign, you probably wouldn't want to go bigger than 5mm anyway.

5b) (Stand-off) Locator Drill Holes

Locators are the chrome fixings that go through the panels to stand them away from the wall.

We have two types of locator.

  • IGLOC16 use a 12mm diameter holes, 20mm in from edges. 
  • IGLOC25 also use 12mm diameter holes, 20mm in from edges.

Please make sure to select the appropriate Locator finishing options when prompted during Checkout.

Locator Drill Holes must be present on your artwork if the above finishing options are selected.

The set up for these marks should be done on the finishing layer using a solid DIE-CUT Forme Circle set to Overprint.

Locator Drill Hole Position

You should have the locator circles positioned 25mm from the trim edge. Which is 40mm from the page edge.

16mm Locators - 12mm diameter DIE-CUT-FORME circles

25mm Locators – 12mm diameter DIE-CUT-FORME circle

These should be positioned in the 4 corners, then at the mid-points (page size and/or Locator quantity dependant).